Virginia, in one of her very interesting sections speaks wisely of the need for TVs to be masculine when that is indic- ated and, on the other hand, when they wish to allow their feminine side full sway, to do so without guilt.
O those who are married, not all have wives who accept their transvestism. It does not seem fair for a TV to brazen= wear the things he likes when it annoys a wife, who, apart from a distaste for his behaviour, is a good wife. Indeed it may be said that if such behaviour is persisted in, divorce often results or, if this extreme aotion is not taken, life together betrays increasing hatred,
In my case, my wife says that she did not marry a man to have a woman for a husband. he is an extremely intelligent person and still very good looking, My efforts to help her appreciate my viewpoint have, however, failed dismally. She seldom refers to my TVism but there are occasional sly digs which betray her hostility.
For a transvestite to have to forego the wearing of lovely feminine clothing makes for great unhappiness and the longer he is unable to do so, the more intense becomes the urge. What do I do then? In the first place, for my wife's sake, I take good care not to be seen by her when I am dressed in the kind of clothing that I love. I do not maintain a separate apartment though that would be very pleasant. I do manage tho.
Ever since I was a small child I have been a very early- to-bed person who would arise very early. During my univer- sity years I did most of my studying in the wee hours. I can still remember, when I was a young student, married, and living in New Zealand, getting up before dawn, making a water bottle and sitting with my feet on it while I studied.
My wife, unlike me, is not an "early bird" but a "night She does not like to rise before the sun does, but she